Executive Positions
- Director of Research and Studies’ office of Bahman Sabz Institute (2013-2015)- Director of Shirin Art School (2012-2014)
- Cultural deputy at the Institute of Malek National Library and Museum (2010-2012)
- Information planning and international affairs adviser at the House of Cinema (2010-2013)
- Cultural deputy at the Iranian Artists Forum (since July 2011)
- Administrating and managing the House of Cinema's website, since 2008
- The Executive Deputy of the Managing Director of the House of Cinema (Dec. 2008 - Dec. 2010)
- The Adviser of the Director of the Museum of Cinema (Jan. 2008 - Apr. 2009)
- Director of Imam Ali Museum of Religious Arts (2006-2007)
- Director of Visual Arts and Museums at the Tehran Municipality’s Organization of Art and Culture (2005-2007)
- Administration Officer at Fajr International Film Festival (2005-2006)
- Administration Officer at the International Children and Young Adults Film Festival (2005-2006)
- Program Manager at national film festivals (2001-2003)
- Founder and President of the Music Society of Isfahan (2000-2001)
- Director of the College of Applied Arts and Culture in Isfahan (2000-2001)
- Cultural and Artistic Advisor to the Head of Isfahan Municipality’s Organization of Culture and Recreation (1999-2001)
- Administration Officer at the Isfahan Society of Cultural Works and Monuments (1998-2001)
- Deputy Director at the Department of Culture and Islamic Guidance in Isfahan (1997-2001)
- Deputy Director of Market Inspection and Regulations in Isfahan (1995-1997)
- Social Affairs Officer at the Isfahan Governor's office (1993-1995)
- Management of Trimming Project of Baharestan District, 2015-2016- Management of Trimming Project of Enghelab Ave., 2014-2015
- Planning & Execution of Ali Jabbar Hussein’s workshop of sculpting, 2014
- Planning & Execution of Mohammad Hossein Emad’s workshop of sculpting, 2013
- Planning and directing the implementation of Malek electronic library, 2011
- Planning and directing the implementation of Kamal-ol-Molk project, including creation of virtual museum, arranging permanent exhibition, arranging permanent exhibition of panorama of works, scientific-research conference on the life and works of Mohammad Ghaffari, 2010-2011
- 2nd and 3rd edition of the Iranian cinema book of the year award, 2009-2011 (Planning, Execution)
- 14th Iranian Cinema Celebration, 2010 (Planning, Execution)
- 13th Iranian Cinema Celebration, 2009 (Planning, Execution)
- National Art Management Conference, 2009 (Planning, Directing)
- Writing and editing collection of documents at the Institute of Malek National Library and Museum, Charter, Panorama document, cultural charters, 2008 – 2009
- Instituting and managing the House of Cinema bilingual website, 2008
- Writing and editing the draft bill of the "Law of the Cinematic System", and draft bill of "Law for Protection of Cinematic Works", 2008
- 1st Imam Ali International Painting Symposium, 2007 (Planning, Execution)
- 1st Tehran International Sculpture Symposium, 2007 (Planning, Execution)
- Photo Contest on National and Religious Festive Rituals, 2006/2007 (Original Concept, Planning)
- Garden Museum of Iranian Arts, 2006 (Original Concept, Planning, Implementation)
- Organization and documentation of the treasures of the Imam Ali Museum of Religious Arts, 2006 (Planning)
- 1st World Award of Monotheistic Religions, 2006 (Original Concept, Planning, Execution)
- 23rd and 24th Fajr International Film Festival, 2004/2005 (Program Manager, Member of the Foreign Film Selection Committee)
- 19th & 20th Isfahan International Festival of Films for Children and Young Adults, 2004/2005 (Member of the Foreign Film Selection Committee, Planning and Executive Manager)
- 16th & 17th Isfahan International Festival of Films for Children and Young Adults, 2001/2002 (Executive Manager)
- Establishment of the College of Applied Arts and Culture in Isfahan, 2000
- Tribute Congress on Ayatollah Naeeni, 2000 (Member of Board of Scholars and Executive Manager)
- Concert by Iran's Grand National Orchestra at Isfahan's Chehelsotun, conducted by Farhad Fakhreddini, vocalist Mohammad Reza Shajarian, 1999 (Executive Manager)
- 18th Isfahan International Festival of Films for Children and Young Adults, 2003 (Public Relations Manager)
- 48th Asia Pacific International Film Festival, 2003 (Public Relations Manager)
- 3rd Yazd Festival of Cinéma Vérité, 2002 (Program Manager, Member of the Film Selection Committee)
- 1st Rasht Festival of Young Filmmakers, 2002 (Program Manager)
- 3rd Rasht Festival of Family Films, 2002 (Program Manager)
- 3rd & 4th Abadan Social Films Festival, 2001/2002 (Program Manager, Member of the Film Selection Committee)
- Tribute to Parviz Davaee, film critic and writer (planning and operation management), 2011
- Tribute to Master Asghar Bichareh, Photographer, 2007 (Planning and Executive Manager)
- Tribute to Lilith Terian, Sculptor, 2006 (Planning and Executive Manager)
- Tribute to Master Hassan Esmailzadeh, Teahouse Painting Artist, 2006 (Planning and Executive Manager)
- Tribute to Master Manuchehr Motabar, Painter & Designer, 2006 (Planning and Executive Manager)
- Tribute to Master Mojtaba Malekzadeh, Calligrapher, 2006 (Planning and Executive Manager)
- Tribute program for Master Taherzadeh, Vocalist, 2000 (Planning and Executive Manager)
- Tribute program for Master Homaee, Researcher/Scholar, 2000 (Planning and Executive Manager)
- Tribute program for Master Tariqi, Photographer, 1999 (Planning and Executive Manager)
- Tribute program for Master Rostam Shirazi, Miniaturist, 1999 (Planning and Executive Manager)
- International Tribute Congress on Allameh Majlessi, 1999 (Executive Manager)
- Tribute Congress on Ayatollahs Khansari, 1998 (Planning and Executive Manager)
- Tribute Congress on Hakim Sahba, 1998 (Executive Manager)
Teaching Background
- Literary and Artistic Rights, College of Applied Arts and Culture, Isfahan (2 semesters, 2000-2002)- Festival Planning and Execution, College of Applied Arts and Culture, Isfahan, (2 semesters, 2000-2002)
- Principles of Law, College of Applied Arts and Culture, Isfahan, (4 semesters, 2000-2001)
- Constitutional Rights, College of Applied Arts and Culture, Isfahan, (4 semesters, 2000-2001)
- Islamic Revolution and its Roots, Payame Noor University, Vazvan; Islamic Azad University, Falavarjan, (6 semesters, 1995-1996)
- History of Islam, Payame Noor University, Vazvan; Islamic Azad University, Falavarjan, (6 semesters, 1993-1996)

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