Culture and Art Tribute Programs
Organizing programs of tribute to cultural and artistic personalities in each country is not only a reflection of the extent of appreciation of contemporary people and social bodies for their national treasures, but also an understanding of the lofty status of such dignitaries. Furthermore, these programs can act as an introduction to patterns of behavior for the younger generation.
Tributes to cultural and artistic figures in Iran have been organized based on these perspectives.
Apart from paying homage to exceptional figures in art and culture, the programs usually include visual documentation of the life and work of such prominent figures, publication of selected works and issuing special editions by literary and art periodicals and journals.
• Tribute to Master Asghar Bichareh, Photographer, 2007
• Tribute to Master Hassan Esmailzadeh, Teahouse Painting Artist, 2006
• Tribute to Master Manuchehr Motabar, Painter & Designer, 2006
• Tribute to Master Mojtaba Malekzadeh, Calligrapher, 2006
• Tribute program for Master Taherzadeh, Vocalist, 2000
• Tribute program for Master Homaee, Researcher/Scholar, 2000
• Tribute to Lilith Terian, Sculptor, 2006
• Tribute program for Master Tariqi, Photographer, 1999
• Tribute program for Master Rostam Shirazi, Miniaturist, 1999
• International Tribute Congress on Allameh Majlessi, 1999
• Tribute Congress on Ayatollahs Khansari, 1998
• Tribute Congress on Hakim Sahba, 1998